
Monday, 25 June 2012
Fashion Knowledge: The Roaring Twenties @ 18:02

Hello hello,

Apologies for my being so out of touch with my blog lately.  Final exams and provincials are officially over for the grade elevens!  It's time to party...and blog!  For the grade elevens in beautiful British Columbia, our only provincial exam this year is on social studies.  And if you've been in school, you would know what a gigantic load of history is contained in that mentally exhaustive course.  I know it's over, but since we had to be tested on historical happenings from the early 1920s to the 2000s, I might as start writing some outfit-inspiring posts on fashion knowledge!

Fashion history may seen like an obscured topic to the present fashion world sometimes, after all, the limitless, forward-moving creative force is keeping designers and fashionistas worldwide up-to-date with the present and predicting the motifs of the future.  In my opinion though, there would be nothing new today without the vintage trends of the past.  The history of fashion has not only created lasting legacies for the great fashion empire but has ultimately paved the way for startling trends nowadays.

Here's to the last year of mandatory social studies in high school!

The "Roaring Twenties" is my second favourite decade, pulling up right behind the 60s.  I define it as the decade of multitudinous fashion movements.  As young teenagers were pushing away the remnants of the WWI, a culture was born.  A fun, young look was born to cover up the previous war-torn situation.

The 1920s was a decade of revolutionary
change in fashion, catalyzed by various social 
Women were becoming more involved in the community, in terms of the workforce, activism and even politics.  They were a growing force and this factor influenced a revolving perspective towards fashion.  In 1926, a gender bending concept existed, sparking new androgynous phrases like "the Garçonne frock" and the "boyish bob."  These phrases paved the way for a different style; for instance, Chanel's masculine and unisex jumper.  The divide between opposite genders was slowly disintegrating.

The 1920s was a decade of 'modern' style.
Just about everything seemed short and abbreviated in this time period.  Say hello to Marg and Babs as they spill about the latest short skirts and shorter coats, while giving short credit about the designer who created the piece.  People were clinging to the term 'modern' to describe outfits and furniture.  It was the expression that was at the tips of everyone's tongues.    What was 'modern' at the time was this: uncomplicated straight lines, bobbed or shingled hair, shapeless clothing, drop-waist dresses, cap-like hats, boyish bodies and flat breasts.  Simplicity and freedom to move were significant concepts in the 20s.  Gabrielle "Coco" Chanel was a rising star, blessing women with new, innovative designs that used jersey and kasha.  She could be said to have ruled over women's dress in the 1920s.

The 1920s was a decade that was topped
with piles of accessories.
Long strands of pearls, feathered fans
(for flirting ;)), huge plumes, plain bracelets, 
huge pear-shaped stones, evening scarves 
and cigarette holders delivered excitement 
for historians.  

The 1920s was a decade of fun and youthfulness.
A common symbol of the 1920s are flapper girls.  Flapper girls were fashionable and did everything the 'modern' way.  They were carefree and fun, wearing shapeless dresses that were shorter then average, used loads of makeup, wore their head short and smoked cigarettes to pass time.  An epitome of the 1920s, these young women encouraged others to live life more freely after the war.

Need some inspiration for a jazzed up 1920s style?  Check out these ideas below:

1920s Inspiration.

1920s Inspiration. by essieleigh featuring a black dress

Black dress
$225 - shabbyapple.com

Emily Armenta mother of pearl ring
$2,690 - ylang23.com

Rare London knot necklace
£20 - rarelondon.com

Paper hat
$15 - etsy.com

Cream hat
$255 - etsy.com

Goorin Bros vintage hat
$110 - goorin.com

White glove
$14 - costumesupercenter.com
