
Thursday, 31 May 2012
Hello Lovelies! @ 18:20

Welcome to my fashion blog.  The simple facts are this: Essie.16.Canada.Fashionblogger/stalker/enthusiast.  Should you want to read a thorough bio on me however, please visit the "about" page.

I'll use the first post to explain the navigational layout of this blog, just in case it confuses you (or me, for that matter).  On this blog, you'll find different editorials, all with a relation to fashion in some way, be it fashion history, style icons, blogger interviews, hauls, OOTDs, etc., etc..  It may get a bit dizzying, so I will separate the masses of blog posts into various organized categories.

Here's a list of the labels you'll see:
  • style icons
  • fashion history and knowledge
  • daily news
  • hauls and reviews
  • OOTD
  • blogger interviews
  • designer index
  • blogger index
  • starry-eyed style stalker
  • DIY
  • other
Let's see if you can catch up, so check back periodically and see if anything is new!
P.S. This virtual mind may change quite a bit as it is just starting out.  The empty pages will soon fill up, I promise!  I'm trying to tweak things and add new material as fast as I can!


