Thursday, 31 May 2012
Hello Lovelies! @ 18:20
Welcome to my fashion blog. The simple facts are this: Essie.16.Canada.Fashionblogger/stalker/enthusiast. Should you want to read a thorough bio on me however, please visit the "about" page.
I'll use the first post to explain the navigational layout of this blog, just in case it confuses you (or me, for that matter). On this blog, you'll find different editorials, all with a relation to fashion in some way, be it fashion history, style icons, blogger interviews, hauls, OOTDs, etc., etc.. It may get a bit dizzying, so I will separate the masses of blog posts into various organized categories.
Here's a list of the labels you'll see:
- style icons
- fashion history and knowledge
- daily news
- hauls and reviews
- blogger interviews
- designer index
- blogger index
- starry-eyed style stalker
- other
Let's see if you can catch up, so check back periodically and see if anything is new!
P.S. This virtual mind may change quite a bit as it is just starting out. The empty pages will soon fill up, I promise! I'm trying to tweak things and add new material as fast as I can!
Labels: other
Thursday, 31 May 2012
Hello Lovelies! @ 18:20
Welcome to my fashion blog. The simple facts are this: Essie.16.Canada.Fashionblogger/stalker/enthusiast. Should you want to read a thorough bio on me however, please visit the "about" page.
I'll use the first post to explain the navigational layout of this blog, just in case it confuses you (or me, for that matter). On this blog, you'll find different editorials, all with a relation to fashion in some way, be it fashion history, style icons, blogger interviews, hauls, OOTDs, etc., etc.. It may get a bit dizzying, so I will separate the masses of blog posts into various organized categories.
Here's a list of the labels you'll see:
- style icons
- fashion history and knowledge
- daily news
- hauls and reviews
- blogger interviews
- designer index
- blogger index
- starry-eyed style stalker
- other
Let's see if you can catch up, so check back periodically and see if anything is new!
P.S. This virtual mind may change quite a bit as it is just starting out. The empty pages will soon fill up, I promise! I'm trying to tweak things and add new material as fast as I can!
Labels: other
Hello Darlings.
My name's Essie and it's a pleasure to meet you.
Let's start off this "about" page with the most common details.
My name is Essie and I am a 17-year-old fashion blogger/fashion enthusiast.
My style inspirations and life role models include (and in no particular order): Mary Kate Steinmiller, Nicole Richie, Chloe Grace Moretz, Mary Kate and Ashley Olsen, Tom Ford, Tavi Gevinson, Grace Coddington, and of course, my fellow style bloggers!
I am a girl who's in love with contrasting, ironic ideas. It shows in my preferences: I like polka dots and stripes, country music and rap, feminism and chivalry, dragon boating and running...
I'm the girl who finds herself aimlessly on the web for countless hours, clicking and searching for sweet style tips, ensemble ideas or following reckless fashion rebels daily.
Needless to say, I aspire to one day find myself working in the ever-changing fashion industry.
Right now, I'm trying to grab every opportunity that I can possibly get my hands on. I'm trying out fashion design, fashion industry, fashion shows, and the journalism aspect in the magazines, but what I really hope to do in the future is fashion merchandising and marketing. Sure, it's a tough world and I'm bound to encounter challenges, but it's the constant revolutions of the fashion industry that keeps me within fashion's grasp.
Perhaps it's a weakness, but I tend to be a busybody, jumping into new projects frequently but I'm passionate about the things I do and strive to work hard at it until it's as perfect as it needs to be. That's one of the reasons I created this blog; I needed a place to dump all my fashion-related projects and education in. Another reason for conceiving this blog was to find my own style. The things I like are always changing, so I hope that through this blog, I can find a base. Let's hope this works and helps me get somewhere!